Poems from Marissa shook

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I am a quirky person. I have many passions. however, my emotions tend to get in the way of things. some day I might even learn to use the hurricane inside my soul to fuel the fire of passion that drives me. so thanks for reading my poems. I am not very good at the spelling or the grammar. however writing makes me feel better. I am currently using this poetry to help me work through the death of my best friend. I am really struggling with the loss. I do apologize for her being the center of all my poetry. however if you are trying to work through a loss I would really suggest writing about it. it is the only way I know how to cope. I am not a good writer. however I hope you like some of my poems.
It is a circle Upside-down and Backwards That's all you'll SEE   The circle of Life Has no Beginning or End unlike You and Me   I am only...
High-five! Five o'clock news Five best friends Five... The fifth month The month that six best friends became... Five This is Kiersten's...
Time the ever cnstatn constant But Time seams to always be influx. If you are enjoying something it flies past Pulling the joy with it into...
I can't stop-- Moving. I feel like I'm... Dead? If I stop moving, Rigor mortis... Will set in. I will seize up-- And never move again. I...
Dear Kiersten, I hope heaven isn't just full of angels. I hope there are abundant ladybugs, majestic horses, and cuddly dogs. I pray heaven...
